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Question by: Bheem Hangarge , Post Date: February 08, 2019

Basava Balaga Muscat - Sevakartha’s - looking mail ids

Saranu Shivashankar Cheral,
Please send us the contact details of all our balaga ( all Karnataka & other parts of India & world) including Name of basava samithi (Sawamijietc) , mail ids, mobile,contact person etc,. in excel sheet.

we want to send regular mails to them and if required we will contact.
Basava Balaga Muscat - Sevakartha’s

Total Responses: 1
Answer by: Shivshanker Cheral, answered on: Feb 17, 2019


Thanks for asking this I do not have all the list with me. I am also having this plan to collect it, unfortunately as of now I do not have one if you found any where please share it.

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