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Chennabasavanna Vachanas


Selected Vachana:
Sharana cannot touch anything
unless linga is lodged in his body;
sharana cannot see any thing
unless linga is lodged in his eyes;
sharana cannot hear any thing
unless linga is lodged in his ears;
sharana cannot smell any thing
unless linga is lodged in his nose;
sharana cannot taste any flavor
unless linga is lodged in his tongue,
as linga is lodged in every part of your sharana,
Koodala Chennasanga. / 651
One ought to be
as though the linga on the body has not ceased.
Unless the heart touches the linga,
what is the bond of body and linga?
Look, how integrally Madivala lives,
his body doing the dedicated work,
and his heart merged in linga completely.
Having erased the doubt
regarding the bond of body and linga,
Madivala Machayya is incorporate with linga
in every limb in Koodala Chennasanga. / 652
Why go to holy places
when you have the linga on your body?
If the linga on your body touches installed linga,
I cannot say which is great, which small!
People perished not knowing
the absolute that is beyond the reach of speech.
Your head becomes pure
by bowing to the jangama;
your hand becomes pure
by worshipping the linga.
Do not show me a breaker of vows,
who, ignoring the linga on the body,
bows to a distant linga,
Koodala Chennasangayya. / 653
Having borne the linga on his body,
if a person joins a bhavi again,
claiming kinship with him,
he cannot escape becoming
a victim of Man on the hills.
Does a pot made of mud
become mud again after being burnt in fire?
agnidagdhaghatah prahur na bhooyo mrttikayate
tacchivacharasangena na punarmanusho bhavet

Therefore, rare is the devotee
who is purged of his past,
Koodala Chennasangamadeva. / 654
Once the linga adorns the body,
the sharana hears no other word;
once the linga adorns the body,
the sharana touches no other thing;
once the liriga adorns the body,
the sharana sees no other thing;
once the linga adorns the body,
the sharana knows nothing about food and drink;
once the linga adorns the body,
the sharana smells no other thing;
once the linga adorns the body,
the sharana does not utter dry words.
Once the linga adorns the body,
the sharana knows no other thing
than Koodala Chennasangayya. / 655
Once the linga adorns body,
the body becomes linga;
once the linga adorns the mind
all senses become linga
once the linga adorns life-breath
life-breath becomes linga.
linga is incorporate with body,
and all enjoyment is linga's enjoyment,
Koodala Chennasangamadeva. / 656
In his body he is bound up with acharalinga.
In his mind he is bound up mahalinga.
Thus your sharana is continent of both relationships,
Koodala Chennasanga. / 657
Those who are absorbed in body,
speak the language of body;
those who are absorbed in linga,
speak the language of linga;
they speak the language
appropriate to the stage where they stand, look!
Koodala Chennasanga's sharanas,
see, adopt the way of linga and
speak the language of linga. / 658
There are people, who, for their body's desire,
eat meat, consume intoxicating drugs,
for the desire of their eyes sleep with others' wives.
Of what use is their wearing the linga
if they do not know what linga is?
If they find any error in j angama,
they will be prey to Man on the hills,
says Koodala Chennasangamadeva. / 659
For one united with body, no union with linga,
for one united with linga, no union with body.
Union with body is bad conduct,
union with linga is good conduct.
Therefore, one should be in united with linga
abandoning the union with the body,
Koodala Chennasangamadeva. / 660

Reference: [1] Vachanas are from the book "Vachana", pub: Basava Samiti Bangalore 2012.

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