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Basava Dharma Peetha, Kudalasangama, Karnataka, India


Basava Dharma Mahajagadguru Peetha

Basava Dharma Peetha is founded by "Lingananda Swamiji". He was a legend with the legendary force behind the organisation. A brave caliber, introduced Guru Basaweshwara to the whole world. At that time, people were mistaken Basaweshwara as Bull and continued worshipping it.

But thruogh the preaching (pravachana) of Lingananda Appaji, he shown the truth that Guru Basaweshwara is a historical personality who created a victory in respect to religious, spiritual, and each and every aspects.

Basava Dharma Peetha Kudala Sangama, Bagalkot dist, Karnataka, India

His hollyness Linganand Swamiji did very significant works, one among them is - establishing a peetha for women. Another one is - establishing Vishwakalyana Mission A commited mission for propogatin and teaching of all the sharanas in literatury words.

Till to date, Vishwakalyana Mission published nearly 150 Books with very intellectual readship

Basava Dharma Peetha has its implementing group called "Rashtreya Basava Dala" At present RBD has its branches spread all most all Districts of karnataka and also in other parts of India, like Andrapradesh, TamilNadu, Maharashtra, Delhi, Kerala, and Punjab.

Thousands of RBD organisations conducts special programmes of Basava and spreads spiritual, divine knowledge in all directions.

RBD is striving to lead happy life in this mortal world through Vachana literature for enjoyment of life without hurthing anybody.

Message from Basava dharma peetha

It is a great pleasure to know that Web site on Lingayat religion is launched. Lingayatism founded by Lord Basavanna (1134-1196) is not a caste, creed or sect. It is an independent religion. Many people have misunderstood that Lingayatism is a sect in Hinduism and Lingayat community is a caste in Hindu society. It is a wrong concept. Lingayat religion has its own founder –Lord Basavanna. Its metaphysics is Shunya siddhanta. Its mysticism is Satsthala. This religion welcomes any body into its fold through Ishtalinga diksha. If Hinduism believes in four fold caste system, Lingayatism preaches equality; without any discrimination social and religious rights are given to everybody.

Indian constitution has recognized Buddism, Jainism and Sikhism as non Hindu religions; Followers of these religions are considered as religious minority. These three religions are non–Vedic. Likewise Lingayatism is also non –Vedic. Lingayatism is eligible to be recognized as an independent religion. A movement is started now to take constitutional recognition from the central Government.

Some people are using the words Lingayatism and Virasaivism as synonymous. It is wrong. Virasaivism is a Shaiva cult where as Lingayatism is an independent religion established in 12th Century by Lord Basavanna.

In this context we hope this respective Website gives more and more correct information, clears confusion and gives much knowledge. Vachana literature if translated into English it will be a great contribution. We wish a great success and expect new information through this Web.

Her Holiness Maha Jagadguru Dr. Ganga Mataji

Basava Dharmada Mahajagadguru Peetha,
Mahamane Mahamatha, Sharana Loka,
Kudala Sangama-587115 Tq- Hunagunda,
Dist- Bagalkot, Karnataka India.
Phone: 08351-58038, 58007, 58140

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