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(ಐಕ್ಯ) Aikya


Aikya Sthala (The dissolution of the self in the God): The Aikya Sthala is the last and highest stage a soul can reach - ultimate union with the Supreme. In this stage, the mind and heart of an individual move in consistence with those of Mahalinga - the Supreme. The soul's activities, like, desire, affection, and thoughts are now only echoes of God's desire, affection, and thoughts. The creator and the created -the individual and its source - are in perfect mutual harmony. Now the beloved soul is merged with the Master, they are not two but one. This complete union is the achievement of the soul in this stage.

Aikyasthala forms the final stage, which permits a Lingayath to fulfill her/his life’s destiny. It is the culmination of the sublime achievement. One is at peace from within and without. His/her soul is filled with heavenly bliss. There are no desires and no wants. There is just the Supreme Shiva beckoning the soul to come and embrace Him.

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