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Lingayat Religious scripture 'Vachana Sahithya'


vachana of the elderly is the touchstone.
Have faith that vachana is the linga called Sadaashiva.
If you have faith, you are the victor.
Bitter to the palate, yet sweet to the stomach
the vachana of Koodalasanga’s sharanas is like tasting neem. -39 [1]

For the stream of milk slime of jaggery
sand of sugar and waves of syrupVachanas
of ancients are like this.
My plight is that of one who
digs a separate well and drinks the salty water from it, Koodalasangamadeva. -404 [1]

Without the help of either a long rope or
a flight of steps, can water be drawn from nether world?
Our ancients built steps of words,
the path way to divine world.
Koodala Chennasanga’s sharanas
lit the lamp of speech and song. -833 [1]

The reading of an entire epic by Vyasa
cannot equal the recital of a single vachana of ours;
one hundred shatarudriya yagas cannot equal
the study of a hundred and eight vachanas of ours;
the chanting of a hundred thousand gay athri japa
cannot equal the recital of a thousand vachanas of ours,
Kapilasiddha Mallikaarjuna. -969

the meaning
found in the experience of the vachana
is in all the Vedas, aagamas, shaastras and puraanas.
The meaning
not found in the experience of the vachana
is not there in all the Vedas, aagamas, shaastras and puraanas.
The meaning
that is in the experience of the vachana
cannot be reached by all the Vedas, aagamas, shaastras and puraanas.
The meaning
that is in the experience of the vachana
is beyond all the Vedas, aagamas, shaastras and puraanas,
Apramaana Koodalasangamadeva. -Balasangayya/2441

[1] Number indicates at the end of each Vachana is from the book "Vachana", pub: Basava Samiti Bangalore 2012.

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