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Bhoganna (ಭೋಗಣ್ಣ)

Full Name: Bhoganna
Pen Name (Vachana Signature): Nijaguru Bhogeshwara


Life of your sharanas is like thislike
a lamp in the hands of flame.
Movement of your sharanas is like thislike
fragrance in the hands of wind.
If camphor-king is made to sit on throne of flame
did the king consume the throne or
did the throne consume the king?
if the king called guru linga is made to sit on throne of eyes
did the linga consume the throne or
did the throne consume the linga, Nijaguru Bhogeshwara?
One can see
the wonder of consuming of the both in your sharanas.
[Vachana No.1880] [1]

Bhoganna is different from Kembhaavi Boganna. 22 of his vachanas have been found with the signature Nijaguru Bhogeshwara.

a bird with broken wings
the ox threshing on mustard seeds
the deer forgetting itself looking at dawn
the sampige that turned poisonous for the bees
flame of your thought touched my body-mind cluster.
I died without dying.
Like flame bound in ropes of grass
I burned without burning.
Nijaguru Bhogeshwara, why the pleasure of your union?
[Vachana No.1881] [1]


[1] "VACHANA" English Version Translation by: O.L. Nagabhushana Swamy, ISBN: 978-93-81457-12-2, 2012, Pub: Basava Samithi, Basava Bhavana Benguluru 560001.

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