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Sunkada Bankanna (ಸುಂಕದ ಬಂಕಣ್ಣ)

Full Name: Sunkada Bankanna
Pen Name (Vachana Signature): Bankeshwaralinga
Kayaka (Occupation): A tax collecter


As you desire food,
as you desire sleep
as you desire women
so you should desire linga.
If you fix your love in Shiva linga
our god Chenna Bankanathadeva will offer himself.
[Vachana No.2103] [1]

Sunkada Bankanna was a tax collecter. 108 of his vachanas with the signature Bankeshwaralinga have been found. Some of his vachanas contain information about the trade practices, toll system, and instruments of transporting things of those days.

Mind, will, intellect and ego are one’s enemies.
Pure mind, good will, divine knowledge are one’s friends.
If you forget you become your own foe.
If you know your own vibration is divine knowledge.
Know this duality in Bankeshwaralinga.
[Vachana No.2107] [1]

To the city called Consumption
there is a king called Destroyer,
a minister called Rogue
a chief of police called Arrogance.
Thus this king ruling over
the Kingdom called Forgetfulness
everyone falls at his feet in fear
as they don’t know Bankeshwaralinga.
[Vachana No.2105] [1]


[1] "VACHANA" English Version Translation by: O.L. Nagabhushana Swamy, ISBN: 978-93-81457-12-2, 2012, Pub: Basava Samithi, Basava Bhavana Benguluru 560001.

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