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Telugesha Masanayya (ತೆಲುಗೇಶ ಮಸಣಯ್ಯ)

Full Name: Telugesha Masanayya
Pen Name (Vachana Signature): Telugeshwara
Kayaka (Occupation): a cowherd


If one is beautiful like love god, all women must appreciate.
If one is a donor, all those who beg should appreciate.
If one is brave, all the foes should appreciate.
If one is mean, one appreciates one self.
If one is a devotee of my god Telugeshwara
god will appreciate and so does the whole world.
[Vachana No.1791] [1]

Telugesha Masanayya was a cowherd. The prefix in his name indicates he is from Telugu speaking area. It is also guessed that it stands for Teffigeshalinga established by Teffigas or oil-millers. There are 7 of his vachanas with the signature Telugeshwara.

This is the sign for having obtained the grace of guru:
Linga should posses the body of the devotee.
Otherwise what is the use of saying
‘I have attained the grace of guru?’
Without linga how can there be the grace of guru?
One shouldn’t hear such words.
Having linga on the body is righteous action.
Otherwise it is not, I say, Telugeshwara.
[Vachana No.1792] [1]


[1] "VACHANA" English Version Translation by: O.L. Nagabhushana Swamy, ISBN: 978-93-81457-12-2, 2012, Pub: Basava Samithi, Basava Bhavana Benguluru 560001.

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