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Vaidya Sanganna (ವೈದ್ಯ ಸಂಗಣ್ಣ)

Full Name: Vaidya Sanganna
Pen Name (Vachana Signature): Marulashaukarapriya Siddharameshwara
Kayaka (Occupation): Practiced medicine


WOne utterance only for the devotee,
one bunch only for the plantain tree.
If the ascetic touches again what is rejected
it is like the stench of a dead dog;
if the one who walks the virtuous path
breaks the daily ritual and goes astray
then paying fine to the masters of the devotees
and comes to resolve
if you see such brahmins made of clay
Marulashankarapriya Siddharameshwara
I will not unite.
[Vachana No.2029] [1]

Vaidya Sanganna practiced medicine. 21 of his vachanas have been traced with the signature Marulashaukarapriya Siddharameshwara. Most of them preach philosophy employing the terms of medicine.


[1] "VACHANA" English Version Translation by: O.L. Nagabhushana Swamy, ISBN: 978-93-81457-12-2, 2012, Pub: Basava Samithi, Basava Bhavana Benguluru 560001.

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