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Shivyogi Siddharama


Siddharama (Siddarameswara) ( Siddarama of Solapur ) - is one of the five prophets of Lingayat religion. He was a great mystic and a Kannada poet who was a part Basavanna's Lingayat revolution during the 12th century. Siddharama claims to have written 68,000 vachanas out of which 1379 are in existence. His philosophy was one of service to mankind, the path of karmayoga. He shares the world view of other Vachana poets in his rejection of blind conventions and caste and sex discrimination and emphasis on realization through personal experience. He too borrows Metaphors from diverse spheres of everyday life. Apart from vachanas,he has written several devotional works in tripadi. Siddharama is qualified with writings in tripadi three-line verse, operational from 7th century.

He was a king of Sonnalgi or Solapur. As part of Lingayat revolution in 12th century, he encouraged inter-caste marriages. He undertook many irrigation projects for the common good. He wrote many Vachanas. He saw divinity in every existence of the world.

Shri Siddharameshwar was a historical figure of the 12th century whose "Karmayoga" on his own native land-Solapur, turned him into a God-figure over the course of time. There was a great saint Shri Siddarama, who preached the teachings of Shri.Basaweshwara.

He was building lakes and temples. He encouraged people to conduct mass weddings, and do other works, which would benefit mankind. Many people joined him and transformed Sonnalige into a prominent place. Allama and Siddarama came to Kalyana. At Anubhava Mantapa Allama, Siddarama, Chennabasavanna, Basavanna, and others discussed the need for Istalinga . Siddarama accepted Chennabasavanna as his Guru . Chennabasavanna performed the Istalinga initiation (Ishtalinga Deeksha) for Siddarama.

Shivayogi Siddharama praises Guru Channabasavanna in his vachana:

That blazing sun is enthroned
In the eight petelled Lotus Heart
The Moon is enthroned in the centre of that sun
Fire is seated in the centre of that moon
The glow is seated in the centre of that fire
Enlightenment dwells
In the centre of that glow
Enlightened soul resides in that enlightenment
Shiva the Supreme inhabits
The centre of that enlightened soul
Such a supreme Lord
Placed His hand on the head of my enlightened body
Forged it into a shape from the
Senses of the mind and feeling
And revealed it to my sight
And gave Linga to my palm
To the blessed feet of Channabasavanna
I bow again and again and thus
Will I live O Prabhu,
O Lord Kapilsiddha Mallikarjuna

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Siddharama is at his best when he charges a quotidian event with far reaching significance as in:

A cock is crowing day in and day out
The multitudes of mortals are not aware of it.
Once they are aware,
No birth or bondage for them.
If they stay unaware
No end of their births and deaths,
O Kapilsiddhamallikarjuna.

Siddarama upholds family life in the following Vachana .

Devotee falls in love with a woman
Joining her in marriage
Devotee falls in love with earth
Buys it and builds a house
Devotee falls in love with wealth
It makes him tired and it provides
Kapilasidda Mallikarjuna.

In this Vachana , Siddarama says that the devotee should marry the person he loves and buy the land he loves for his house. If he falls in love with wealth, he will acquire it. However, although the wealth provides for his future, its quest will make him tired

Siddarama,an accomplished sharana,explains the power of Guru in this vachana:

By applying the ointment
Named Shiva's knowledge
Removed the cataract named ignorance
Gained knowledge of Shiva
Kapilasidda Mallinatha!

Siddarama says that his Guru , by applying the ointment named Shiva knowledge, removed his cataract named ignorance Siddarama wrote vachanas with the name "Kapilasidda Mallikarjuna". There are 1,679 vachanas of his. In addition to vachanas, Siddarama wrote Sthotra Threevidhigalu with "Yoginatha" as his signature. Ragavanka wrote Siddarama Charitra, the history of Siddarama. Jayadevi-thai Ligade has written Siddarama Purana.

Siddheshwar (Siddharama) was a great conributor to Lingayat religion and he is considered as one of the five prophets of Lingayat religion. He had gained the "Siddhi". As Solapur was a drought prone area, Shri Siddharameshwar dug a lake with the help of 4000 "Sharanas" to solve the problem of potable water. He entombed himself alive.

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